Monday, January 26, 2009

Lomasontfo returns to Pretoria

The call came from the surgeon that it was time for Lomasontfo to return to Pretoria for the big surgery to remove the bone cyst. A week later the Live in Love Rav4 was packed up and headed across the border into South Africa. Upon arrival the vascular surgeon did his assessment and shared his plan for tying off her external carotid artery to greatly decrease the risk of excessive bleeding during the surgery. With the weekend and nothing scheduled for Lomasontfo her doctor agreed to her leaving the hospital, getting a break before the surgery when she will need to be there for several weeks. So, what is it like for a girl who lives in a rural area with no electricity or running water to spend a weekend in the city? She was in another world...

Everything was new and so unlike anything she had ever seen or experienced before, from the bath tub at the hotel to the escalator at a mall. She went to a movie, Madagascar 2, and simply being in the lobby was on the verge of overwhelming. When the lights went off and the previews started she leaned into Lori and asked,"Is it night?" This was the only way for her to relate to a place so dark despite it being the middle of the afternoon... outside. When she saw an escalator she once again had the expression of confusion, intrigue, and excitement all at once. Something so simple to many of us, something we use often without thinking twice, became an amusement park ride to Lomasontfo. She wanted to try it. As she stood at the top and watched the stairs moving she was hesitant, unsure of how to get on. With brief instruction and a strong hand to guide and steady her she stepped on and instantly was amazed. At the bottom, with a 1-2-3 and another helpful hand, she didn't merely step off but made a great leap, a triumphant accomplishment completed. She had so much fun with this she went up and down at least 4 more times. By the last time she was determined to do it by herself, no "helping hand". The smile, the bright eyes, the energy in her steps and jumps - you would have thought we were at Disneyland. Actually, for her, it was Disneyland.

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