Friday, September 18, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Can you build a house in 1 day?
You can in Swaziland. All you need are the right materials, the right people, and the love of God. An older woman’s home in the squatter community of 19 was literally falling down on top of her. With the help of dedicated people from the community, the leaders and youth from Christian Family Church and the K-Team from the US (Kay, John, and Tom on a mission trip serving in Swaziland), a house was constructed on a sunny Saturday in June.
The materials for a stick and mud house are self-explanatory. Adding cement to the mud, rocks to the walls, and some nails and wire to secure the long branches ensure a stable structure.
Beauty and the Beast
Beauty is her name, the Beast is the burns. It is common in Swaziland to cook over fires. Almost a year ago Beauty’s family was preparing to do just this when she fell backwards into the fire. The burns span from her shoulder blades to the bottom of her legs, including her genital area.
The pain is unimaginable. For the first many months she used the wall to lean against when she walked, to help keep her balance and hold her up. For the past few months she walks freely without the assistance of the walls but still moves slowly and stiffly. She has not been able to sit since the accident so she is always standing or lying.
Despite all of this Beauty remains true to her name, inside and out. No matter how long it takes her to walk and how difficult it is, this doesn’t stop her from getting where she wants to go - usually to play and hang out with the other kids in the children’s ward at Good Shepherd Hospital. The Beast doesn’t stop her from playing, coloring, laughing, and being silly. The Beast doesn’t affect her heart, her smile, or her appetite.
Beauty is not just her name, it is who she is and the Beast will never keep her down.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Hot of the press!
Syndy just returned from a trip to Swaziland to visit Lori and here are some action shots to brighten your day! Lori is doing great and loving her work. Check it out:
Hangin' out with the kids at '19' (a community feeding location)Talking with Abraham about delivering food to the care points.
More fun with the kids.
Delivering food in one of the villages.
Helping Lomasantfo with her medicine.
Teaching the kids some of their alphabet letters.
Lori and her friend 'Loma'
Teaching 'health' class at CFC School.
Reading the bible with the students.
Striking a pose for all of us here in the States that miss her so much!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
She's Back!!
Lomasontfo continues to do well. Her biggest challenge has been adjusting to her return to Maphiveni including the change in her diet. While away she had the opportunity to eat relatively well. She had 3 meals a day and even had special treats like eggs and chicken. She gained weight and looked strong and healthy. At home the reality is much different. She will get 2 meals a day, Monday through Friday, at the care point, a bowl of soft porridge in the morning and rice or pop with beans for lunch. As for the remainder of the week's meals there is little consistency. Eggs are quite rare and chicken is a once a month treat at her home when her oldest brother gets paid at the end of the month. Needless to say her hunger has been significant the first week as her body adjusted and she has lost a little weight. The good news is she is happy to be back in school, back with her friends, back to church on Sundays, and most of all she knows Jesus loves her.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Live in Love: Kid Style
Live in Love has no age restriction. Anyone – young, old, or comfortably in between – can choose to Live in Love everyday. Here are 2 kids who choose to Live in Love, all on their own, no prompting from the grown-ups in their lives. They are remarkable and have an early start on how they want to live.
Logan, age 7
Logan and Aspen are the young ambassadors of Live in Love and we are so thankful for their thoughtfulness, generosity, kindness, putting others first, and, of course, their love. They simply give what they have to those who do not. We can’t wait to see how they grow, give, and love as they continue to Live in Love for many years to come. Thanks, Logan and Aspen!
Return to Pretoria
Lomason continues to heal well. The swelling has decreased dramatically. Look for new photos of Lomason later this week!